Monday, 11 November 2013

From carrying out a survey I have been able to see which genre and audience my magazine will attract. I have discovered that rock magaznes are generally bought by males rather than females and so my plan is to encourage more females to read my magazine without losing any male readers. I do not think this will be overly hard to do because of the genre of music I have picked, but to increase the attraction to female readers I have been researching how I could acheive this; using a girl on the cover ultimately attracts females, just like fashion magazines as they use a female on the cover to attract females to read the magazine. Also, certain types of poses draw different attentions, so I could use a girl on the cover of my magazine in a certain pose in the hopes of attracting more females as an audience range but on par with males. Although, the reason more readers are male is because more males listen to this genre of music and this I cannot change for females.

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